COASTAHOLIC - A way of Life

COASTAHOLIC - A way of Life

What is a Coastaholic?

Glad you asked! Here is my dictionary worthy description I have created to make it a little easier to understand :

Coast [kohst] : Noun

meaning : the land next to the sea; seashore

-aholic : Suffix

Meaning : someone addicted or obsessed with something

Coastaholic [kohst-aholic] : Noun informal

Meaning : someone who is devoted, captivated, infatuated, and immersed in the idea of and/or actual being on a coastline of earth's ever so beautiful seas

I created the word Coastaholic because we needed to call ourselves something right?!

What better thing to be “addicted to” then something so pure & astonishing as where the ocean meets the sand. If we are going to be obsessed with something it might as well be the coast, because what's the harm in that?

It’s a way a life, a feeling you get, and a devotion we are happy to claim.

- OG Coastaholic

The ocean & and island life is my soul. They are my true happy place and one reason I get up & get excited about daily life knowing I get the chance to indulge in this worlds ever so amazing landscapes.

I did not grow up on the coast nor do I currently live on the coast (maybe one day part time I will!), however I have always had a true passion and love for all things blue water & green palms. Florida trips down to Destin when I was a kid were truly great and the beginning to my very vigorous love for the coast.

Then the real life changer began. My dad who is also a true Coastaholic and the reason I believe I came to be, took me to my first out of country experience. The real deal. The true island living experience. We flew down to the US Virgin Islands St. Thomas and St. John. He did it up right and put us in this little top of the mountain villa that was nothing fancy but a had the greatest view. Could see all of the island below, the cruise ships docking in the morning , and the feel of that humid yet very satisfying air. We rented a Jeep for the week and the fun began. Long story short, we drove from quaint beach to quaint beach daily while enjoying local foods and nature along the way. I really just loved the simpleness of life there and of course the unexplainable beauty of the coastlines and ocean water. This trip did it for me, I was addicted to the coast life forever.

From here I have traveled down to the keys, the Bahamas, Jamaica, east coast and west coast but my adventures are far from over. I want to make it a life goal to travel to a new coast, island, or ocean destination every year, for the rest of my life. Yes, that’s a lot to take on and plan but if it’s something your truly passionate about you will find a way to make it happen, and so I plan to do so.

Whether you live, vacation, or just love the perception of the coast and the satisfaction it brings you, Coastaholic is your brand to be passionate about. We are ocean loving, sunshine worshiping, Coastaholic enthusiast! It’s a way a life, a feeling you get, and a devotion we are happy to claim. Live, Laugh and Love your life, the COASTAHOLIC way!

Become a Coastaholic

Let the deals & experience tips flow in like the ocean on a windy day! We are excited to add you to the crew.

Thank you!
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